Course fully booked
LOCAL ORGANIZERS:K. Popovic (Ljubljana)
MODULE AND PROGRAMME CO-ORDINATORS: J.W. Casselman (Brugge), A. Borges (Lisbon), A. Trojanowska (Crakow)
Registration fee onsite:
Early registration until 30 Oct 2024
Certified radiologists/ specialists 850€
Residents (certified by head of Dept) 750€
Late registration after 30 Oct 2024
Certified radiologists/ specialists 950€
Residents (certified by head of Dept) 850€
Registration includes:
Lunches and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday
Course syllabus (digital)
Cancellation policy:
Until 30 November: Full refund
After 30 November: Not refundable
Register using the following link :
Kindly note that space is limited for onsite participants and
registration is finalized upon receipt of payment.
Registration deadline:
The official course language is English.
The course language is English
Ljubljana, City Hotel, Dalmatinova ulica 15, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
Ljubljana is easily accessible by plane. Jože Pučnik Airport (Brnik), located 25 km northwest of the city, offers connections to all major European cities and airports.
Jerney Avsenik
Minerva Becker
Tim Beal
Sotirios Bisdas
Jasmina Boban
Alexandra Borges
Jan Casselman
Davide Farina
Teresa A. Ferreira
Simonetta Gerevini
Christoph Kenis
Katarina Surlan Popovic
Salman Qureshi
Nicolas Salamon
Bernhard Schuknecht
Sofie Van Cauter
Matej Vouk
09.00-09.15 Welcome address: introduction, course & workshop organization - Katarina Surlan Popovic
09.15-09.45 Skull base anatomy - Alexandra Borges
09.45-10.30 Skull base pathology - Alexandra Borges
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-11.30 Cranial nerves anatomy - Jan Casselman
11.30-12.15 Cranial nerves pathology - Jan Casselman
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 MRI of the globe and orbit - Teresa A. Ferreira
14.15-15.15 WS1 Cranial nerves - Jan Casselman, WS2 Skull base - Alexandra Borges, WS3 Globe and orbit - Teresa A. Ferreira
15.15-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-16.30 WS1 WS1 Cranial nerves - Jan Casselman, WS2 Skull base - Alexandra Borges, WS3 Globe and orbit - Teresa A. Ferreira
16.30-17.30WS1 Cranial nerves - Jan Casselman, WS2 Skull base - Alexandra Borges, WS3 Globe and orbit - Teresa A. Ferreira
18:30 Welcome reception
9.00-9.30 Oral cavity and oropharynx anatomy - Davide Farina
9.30-10.15 Oral Cavity and oropharynx pathology - Davide Farina
10.15-10.45 Larynx and hypopharynx anatomy - Minerva Becker
10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.45 Larynx and hypopharynx pathology - Minerva Becker
11.45-12.15 Pseudotumor and IgG4 related disease in the head and neck - Jasmina Boban
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 MRI of the brachial plexus and thoracic inlet - Simonetta Gerevini
14.15-15.15 WS7 Oral cavity and oropharynx - Davide Farina, WS8 Larynx and hypopharynx - Minerva Becker, WS9 Brachial plexus - Simonetta Gerevini
15.15-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-16.30 WS7 Oral cavity and oropharynx - Davide Farina, WS8 Larynx and hypopharynx - Minerva Becker, WS9 Brachial plexus - Simonetta Gerevini
16.30-17.30 WS7 Oral cavity and oropharynx - Davide Farina, WS8 Larynx and hypopharynx - Minerva Becker, WS9 Brachial plexus - Simonetta Gerevini
19:30: Social dinner
9.00-9.30 MRI of the temporomandibular joint - Nicolas Salamon
9.30-10.00 MR anatomy of the nasopharynx and deep spaces of the SHN - Bernhardt Schuknecht
10.00-10.45 Nasopharynx and related deep spaces: pathology
10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.30 Nose and PNS anatomy - Tim Beal
11.30-12.15 Nose and PNS pathology - Tim Beal
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 MRI of the salivary glands - Katarina Surlan Popovic
14.15-15.15 WS4 Nasopharynx and related deep spaces - Bernhard Schukneckt, WS5 Nose and PNS - Nicolas Salamon, WS6 Salivary glands - Matej Vouk
15.15-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-16.30WS4 Nasopharynx and related deep spaces - Bernhard Schukneckt, WS5 Nose and PNS - Nicolas Salamon, WS6 Salivary glands - Matej Vouk
16.30-17.30WS4 Nasopharynx and related deep spaces - Bernhard Schukneckt, WS5 Nose and PNS - Nicolas Salamon, WS6 Salivary glands - Matej Vouk
09.00-09.30 Temporal bone anatomy in virtual reality - Jernej Avsenik
09.30-10.15 MRI of the inner ear - Christoph Kenis
10.15-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-11.15 MRI of the middle ear and external auditory canal - Salman Qureshi
11.15-12.00 MRI of the petrous apex and facial nerve - Sofie Van Cauter
12:00-12:15 MRI of Meniere’s disease - Bernhard Schuknecht
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 Post-treatment changes and the added value of PET-CT/ PET-MRI - Sotirios Bisdas
14.15-15.15 WS10 Inner ear - Christoph Kenis, WS11 Petrous apex and facial nerve - Sofie Van Cauter, WS12 Middle ear and EAC - Salman Qureschi
15.15-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-16.30 WS10 Inner ear - Christoph Kenis, WS11 Petrous apex and facial nerve - Sofie Van Cauter, WS12 Middle ear and EAC - Salman Qureschi
16.30-17.30WS10 Inner ear - Christoph Kenis, WS11 Petrous apex and facial nerve - Sofie Van Cauter, WS12 Middle ear and EAC - Salman Qureschi
09.00-09.30 MRI and MRA: vascular malformations in the Head&Neck - Sotirios Bisdas
09.45-10.30 Pediatric HN - Jernej Avsenik
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-11.15 Biomarkers and AI in HN - Sotrios Bisdas
11.15-12.15 EXAMINATION
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 WS13 Soft tissues neck - Jernej Avsenik, WS14 MRI and MRA: vascular malformations in the H&N - Sotrios Bisdas
14.30-15.30WS13 Soft tissues neck - Jernej Avsenik, WS14 MRI and MRA: vascular malformations in the H&N - Sotrios Bisdas
15.30-16.00 Examination answers
16.00-16.30 Certificates and closing remarks