This one-week module is part of the ERASMUS Course on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
It is meant to provide a solid understanding of the basic principles underpinning MRI. Topics related to nuclear magnetic resonance, image encoding, relaxation, spin-echo and gradient-echo imaging, fast imaging, instrumentation, site planning, specialized MRI (perfusion, diffusion, flow, functional MRI).
Formal lectures are intertwined with question&answer and self-teaching sessions.
The course is targeted at diagnostic imaging professionals including fields of Clinical Radiology, Medical Physics, Radiography, Electroradiology and staff/students from clinical and scientific facilities. No previous knowledge of MR principles is assumed.
The limit of 30 participants will be followed, in the order of payment.
Andres Santos (Biomedical Imaging Technology Lab)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & CIBER-BBN
select Basic MRI Physics - Madrid (ES) – 2025 module
please include address due to local requirements
if sponsored by an institution, please specify institution data and address
Venue: ETSI Telecomunicación. Avenida Complutense 30. Madrid (Spain). Building 'C', ground floor.
Contact: Eva Rojas
ETSI Telecomunicación
E-28040 Madrid (Spain)
Language: The official course language is English.
Certificate: A certificate will be awarded to the successful candidates.
Accreditation for CME credits is in progress.
Registration and fees:
First you should fill the registration form on the organization web site
Fees including course materials, lunches, coffee breaks and social dinner: 750 € full fee, reduced to 550 € for certified students. To qualify for the reduced fee a letter signed by the Head of Department has to be sent to Eva Rojas by email <>.
Special food must also be requested in advance.
Payment in Euros should be made payable to the account:
Account owner: Fundetel
Bank: Abanca (Address: Av. Reina Victoria 58. E-28003 Madrid. Spain)
IBAN: ES58 2080 5604 6430 4001 1038
Reference: EMRI-25 [your name]
The reservation is not confirmed until the payment is received.
Deadline for payment: 29 August 2025
Dr. Peter Van Schuerbeek (University Brussels, BE)
Dr. Stephen Nicholas (University Dundee, UK)
Dr. Stephen Gandy (University Dundee, UK)
Dr. Stephen Sawiak (University Cambridge, UK)
Dr. Cristina Santa-Marta (Universidad Nacional Educación a Distancia, ES)
Dr. Maria Jesus Ledesma-Carbayo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES)
Monday 15.09.2025
9:00 |
Registration |
10:00 |
Background physics and mathematics |
10:45 |
Basic NMR |
11:45 |
Self Evaluation |
12:15 |
Lunch Break |
13:15 |
Imaging encoding |
14:15 |
Self Evaluation |
15:00 |
Instrumentation and site-planning |
16:00 |
Self Evaluation |
Tuesday 16.09.2025
9:00 |
Basic Spin Echo Imaging |
10:00 |
Self Evaluation |
10:45 |
Spin Echo Imaging in practice |
11:45 |
Self Evaluation |
12:15 |
Lunch Break |
13:15 |
Relaxation times and contrast |
14:15 |
Self Evaluation |
15:00 |
Safety and quality assessment |
16:00 |
Self Evaluation |
Wednesday 25.09.2024
9:00 |
Basic Gradient Echo Imaging |
10:00 |
Self Evaluation |
10:45 |
Gradient Echo Imaging in practice |
11:45 |
Self Evaluation |
12:15 |
Lunch Break |
13:15 |
Fast and ultra-fast imaging |
14:15 |
Self Evaluation |
15:00 |
Artefacts |
16:00 |
Self Evaluation |
Thursday 17/09/25
9:00 |
Functional MRI |
10:00 |
Self Evaluation |
10:45 |
Diffusion & perfusion |
11:45 |
Self Evaluation |
12:15 |
Lunch Break |
13:15 |
Flow effects and angiography |
14:15 |
Self Evaluation |
15:00 |
Cardiac imaging |
16:00 |
Self Evaluation |
Friday 27.09.2024
9:00 |
MR Spectroscopy |
10:00 |
Examination and course evaluation |
10:45 |
Coffee |
11:45 |
Certificates & Farewell |