Abdominal and Urogenital MRI

Vienna (AT), 18-21 May 2023

General Information

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah: ahmed.ba-ssalamah@meduniwien.ac.at
Dr. Sarah Poetter-Lang: sarah.poetter-lang@meduniwien.ac.at
Dr. Nina Bastati-Huber: nina.bastati@meduniwien.ac.at
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schima: wolfgang.schima@khgh.at

Medical University of Vienna - General Hospital of Vienna (AKH)
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Waehringer Guertel 18-20 - 1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43(1) 40400 48930 - Fax: +43(1) 40400 48940
Email: ahmed.ba-ssalamah@meduniwien.ac.at

The course language is English

Contact person: Karin Neckar
Email: karin.neckar@meduniwien.ac.at
Waehringer Guertel 18-20 - 1090 Vienna, Austria - Tel: +43(1)4040048930

Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien - Billrothhaus
Frankgasse 8 - 1090 Vienna, Austria - Telephone: +43(1) 4054777


This course has been granted 20 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).
Registration fees include access to the course, electronic syllabus, coffee breaks , lunches, welcome receptio and, social dinner

Certified radiologists
Before 30/01/23: .............................900 €
After 30/01/23: ............................. 950 €
Residents (with certification)
Before 30/01/23: .............................750 €
After 30/01/23: ............................. 800 €

a. In case of participant’s cancellation
1.    Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 80% of the registration fees.
2.    Registrations cancelled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.
3.    Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.
b. In case of cancellation or postponement by the organizing committee due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. COVID-19 outbreak, ...)
1.    Participants will have the choice to either accept a refund or to transfer their registration fee for the same module to be held later.
2.    In case of cancellation, the organizer will be responsible for organizing a virtual meeting alternative.


Baltzer Pascal - Vienna, Austria
Ba-Ssalamah Ahmed - Vienna, Austria
Brancatelli Giuseppe - Palermo, Italy
Bastati-Huber Nina - Vienna, Austria
Clauser Paola - Vienna, Austria
Forstner Rosemarie - Salzburg, Austria
Franca Manuela - Porto, Portugal
Hojreh Azadeh - Vienna, Austria
Kartalis Nikolaos - Stockholm, Sweden
Quaia Emilio - Padova, Italy
Poetter-Lang Sarah - Vienna, Austria
Ringl Helmut - Vienna, Austria
Schernthaner Rüdiger - Vienna, Austria
Schima Wolfgang - Vienna, Austria
Tamandl Dietmar - Vienna, Austria
Taylor Stuart - London, United Kingdom
Woitek Ramona - Krems, Austria


Thursday, the 18th of May 2023

08:00-08.30       Registration
08:30-08:45      Welcome and opening remarks A. Ba-Ssalamah
08:45-09:15       MRI abdominal protocols - E. Quaia
09:15-09:45       Congenital Cystic Lesions of the Biliary Tree - G. Brancatelli 
09:45-10:00      Short break
10:00-10:30      Vascular disorders of the liver - G. Brancatelli 
10:30-11:00      Focal lesions in the non-cirrhotic liver - E. Quaia
11:00-11:15      Coffee break
11:15-11:45      Diffuse liver diseases - M. Franca
11:45-12:15      Focal lesions in the cirrhotic liver - M. Franca
12:15-12:45      Diagnostic workup of biliary diseases - A. Ba-Ssalamah
12:45-13:00      Questions and answers
13:00-14:00      Lunch
14:00-15:30      Workshops in 4 groups (GB, EQ, MF, AB)
15:30-16:00      Coffee break 
16:00-17:30      Workshops in 4 groups (GB, EQ, MF, AB)

18:30-20:00      Welcome Reception, Billrothhaus Historical Library

Friday, the 19th of May 2023

09:00-09:30      Solid pancreatic lesions - N. Kartalis
09:30-10:15      Pancreatitis - N. Kartalis 
10:15-10:45      Cystic pancreatic lesions - W. Schima
10:45-11:15      Coffee break
11:15-11:45      Small bowel - S. Taylor
11:45-12:15      Rectum - D. Tamandl
12:15-12:45      Perianal fistula - S. Taylor
12:45-13:00      Questions and answers
13:00-14:00      Lunch 
14:00-15:30      Workshops in 4 groups (DT, WS, ST, NK)
15:30-16:00      Coffee break 
16:00-17:30      Workshops in 4 groups (DT, WS, ST, NK)

      Saturday, the 20th of May 2023

09:00-09:30      Uterine and cervical cancers - R. Forstner
09:30-10:00      Endometriosis - R. Woitek 
10:00-10:30      Ovarian diseases - R. Forstner
10:30-11:00      Coffee break
11:00-11:30      MRI of the kidney and urinary tract - P.Clauser
11:30-12:15      Multiparametric diagnostic workup of the Prostate – P. Baltzer
12:15-12:45      Imaging of the Adrenal gland - P. Clauser
12:45-13:00      Questions and answers
13:00-14:00      Lunch
14:00-15:30      Workshops in 4 groups (RF, RW, PC, PB)
15:30-16:00      Coffee break 
16:00-17:30      Workshops in 4 groups (RF, RW, PC, PB)

19:30                 Dinner

Sunday, the 21th of May 2023

09:00-09:30    Practical MRI physics - H. Ringl 
09:30-10:00    MRA of the abdomen and pelvis - R. Schernthaner 
10:00-10:30    PET-MRI: clinical indications - D. Tamandl
10:30-11:00    Coffee break 
11:00-11:30     MRI in the pediatric population - A. Hojreh
11:30-12:30     Examination, Nina Bastati-Huber and Sarah Poetter-Lang
12:30-12:45     Farewell and closing remarks - A. Ba-Ssalamah 
12:45                Lunch to go
